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AP242ed4 Team

Project leader

  • Jean BrangĂ©, AFNeT Services

Project manager

  • Myrella Lechertier, AFNeT Services

Project editor

  • Darla EdwardsLiberty Business Associates, LLC.

Assembly PMI

  • Dr. Max Ungerer, prostep IVIP
  • Pierre Duchier, Airbus Operations


  • Stuart GaltThe Boeing Company
  • Thomas Thurman, AP210 leader


  • Akihiko Ohtaka, ISO 10303-62 project leader
  • Hiroyuki Hiraoka, Chuo University
  • Atsuto Soma, ELYSIUM Co., Ltd.

Visual Issue Management

  • Dr. Max Ungerer, prostep IVIP
  • Guillaume Hirel, T-Systems International GmbH


  • Keith Hunten, ISO/TC 184/SC 4 WG12/21 Convener
  • John Van Horn, The Boeing Company

STEP Services, LOD and Bounding Boxes

  • Jacques Heinisch, AFNeT Services


  • Dr Ben Urick, Nvariate, ISO/TC 184/SC 4/WG 12/T 1
  • Allison Barnard-Feeney, National Institute of Standards and Technology


  • Dan Ganser, Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation
  • Lothar Klein, Software & system engineer, AFNeT Services


  • Erwan LivolantSoftware & system engineer, AFNeT Services



AP242 Ed4 is the extension of AP242 Ed3:

 completed with:

  • specific enhancements in the following domains:
    • 3D Hybrid geometry,
    • 3D assembly constraints,
    • 3D PMI,
    • 3D Composite Design,
    • Electrical Wiring Harness;
  • and new extention in the following domains:
    • Visual Issue Management,
    • 3D Bouding Boxes and LOD.

Figure 1 – Overview of ISO 10303 STEP AP242 edition 2 “Managed Model-Based 3D Engineering”

The AP242 ed4 project aims at defining and using a single integrated ISO standard covering product information interoperability capabilities for: Product Data Management, 3D model-based design with PMI (e.g, Geometric Dimensions and Tolerances), Mechanical, Composite, and Electrical harness design.

This standard will be consistent with the ISO 10303 STEP modular Application Protocols:
  • AP209 “Multi-Disciplinary Analysis and design”,
  • AP210 “Electronic assembly, interconnect, and packaging design”,
  • AP233 “Systems Engineering”,
  • AP238 “Application interpreted model for computer numeric controllers",
  • AP239 “Product Life-Cycle Support”.
  • AP243 "Modelling and Simulation information in a collaborative Systems Engineering Context"

Figure 2 – Main STEP Application Protocols  in the product life cycle High Level AAM

Together they will be the foundation for specifications, engineering simulation and 3D model-based design information interoperability of aerospace, automotive and other transportation industries. This should extend the use of STEP by the main manufacturing industries and the support by PLM software suppliers and integrators.

Overall planning

Figure 3– ISO 10303 STEP AP242 “Managed Model-Based 3D Engineering” planning over the years