Standardization projects related to AP242

The development and maintenance of the AP242 standard is based on the coordination with several standardization projects and organizations. The following list describes the most important of them:

  1.  Reporting to the ISO TC 184 /SC 4 organization, as part of ISO 10303 STEP series.
  2.  PDM harmonization between the AP242 project and OASIS AP239 PLCS
  3. Dependancies of NAS / EN 9300 LOTAR standards and STEP AP242

Relative positionning of these standards is proposed both by AIA EEIC and ASD SSG within the frame of interoperabilty frameworks (radar screen), and can be access on the respective web sites of these organizations.

1- Reporting to the ISO TC 184 /SC 4 organization, as part of ISO 10303 STEP series.

AP 242 standard is developed under the supervision of the ISO TC 184 /SC 4, and shared common modules with most of  the following standards:

AP 242 standard has to be consistent with the ISO /TC 184 /SC 4 3D visualization standards, such as ISO 14739 PRC, ISO 14306 “JT”, etc.

2- Harmonization efforts and respective positionning of AP242

Relative positionning and relationships between AP233, AP203, AP239 and AP242 have been described in a dedicated study. The following schema, extracted from the study, summarizes the positionning of AP242 compare to AP233 and AP239.

3- Dependancies of NAS / EN 9300 LOTAR standards and STEP AP242

The standard NAS / EN 9300 “LOng Term Archiving and Retrieval of digital technical product documentation such as 3D, CAD and PDM data” is strongly based on the product Information models defined by the ISO 10303 STEP standards, where AP242 plays one of the cornerstones. Refer to the next figure.

Therefore  a close and regular  collaboration has been  established between the LOTAR project and the STEP AP242 project.